God is at work in Afghanistan! Here are some of the many testimonies we hear:
Two years ago, our leaders trained a couple who went on to share the Gospel with the wife’s sister. This summer, the sister called our counselor to share: When I heard the name of Jesus and the Good News two years ago, I felt like fire was burning me on the inside; I didn’t accept it, and I started cursing them and told them, “Never ever talk to me about Jesus again. I don’t want to hear it.” I ignored them so long, and each time they wanted to talk to me about Jesus, I denied them. I did not want to listen because each time they shared, something happened inside of me, so I cursed them; I cursed Christianity, and I cursed Jesus.
After the Taliban took over, we left Afghanistan to go to Iran. My sister knew that I did not want to talk about Jesus, so she did not talk to me anymore, but one night, my daughter screamed in the middle of the night. I ran to her and questioned her: What happened? Are you scared? Did you have a bad dream? She replied that she did not have a bad dream, but in her dream, she saw a man with a white robe standing by her bed, and his face was so loving and peaceful that she was not scared. She only got scared when she woke up. I asked her why she didn’t scream when she saw him, and she replied that she wasn’t scared of him because he was so peaceful.
A few weeks later, when I was sleeping, I saw the white-robed man standing beside my bed, and he called my name and told me, “Do not be afraid, I am with you.” This happened several times. I could not deny it. Each time, it made me more peaceful and more comfortable. Eventually, I asked my sister, “Do you remember how you talked about Jesus in Afghanistan with me? I didn’t want to listen, but I want to listen now. Please send me the Gospel. Send me something that I can know Him better.” I started searching, and since I had that dream, my heart has changed. Before that, I was so harsh to my children, but now I am not. Whatever they do, I try to love them and correct them with a loving heart. I was so amazed! Who is this Jesus who changed me so much even though I don’t know Him, and even though I cursed Him?
Our counselor then asked this lady if she had prayed to receive Jesus, and she replied that she did not know how to do that. Our worker explained the Gospel to her, how Jesus loves and forgives her and changes our lives, and at the end of the two hours of discussion, she said that she was ready to pray and give her heart to Jesus. We rejoice with heaven, and we will continue to disciple her and see God glorify His name in her life.
A new believer shares:
My older sister was sick with a heart problem. We didn’t have enough money to continue to take her to the doctor, get surgery, or even get the medicine that she needed to survive. My mom was working at a place in order to provide just the basic things for our life, and she shared her worries and concerns for her daughter with a colleague who was always very encouraging and hopeful. She lost touch with this friend when she stopped working, but after a few months, we got a call from a Korean doctor who said that my mom’s colleague had told her of the situation, and she was willing to help my sister and could even get her the surgery she needed. We were so happy, and my sister went to the doctor for a lot of tests and exams, but the doctor came back and said that she did not need surgery anymore and though she had a slight rhythm problem that could be handled with medication, her heart had been healed. It was a miracle to us! When my mom told her old colleague what had happened, she told us that she had always prayed that Jesus would heal my sister, so she would not need the surgery. We knew that Jesus had answered her prayers, so we accepted Jesus in our hearts – my mom, me, my brothers and sisters, and my auntie’s family – we believe in Jesus because Jesus in the healer and the truth of all, and he is able to heal any situation.
Our team is working on discipling these beautiful new believers now!
One of our young ladies was sitting in a park enjoying the women’s Zoom meeting, and as she listened, another gal came and sat near her and asked her, “What are you doing? Are you attending some college courses? Are you listening to a broadcast? Are you taking an English class? What are you doing?” After the meeting ended, she explained that she was a Christian and was attending a women’s meeting where they worshipped God, shared the Word of God, and where she had a close relationship with the other sisters who believe in Christ. The newcomer was very interested and asked for her phone number and told her that she wants to know more about Jesus, so our lady will follow-up to see what God does!
A brother shares, “Thank you so much for teaching us. I have been with the church long enough to hear a lot, but since I have been connected with Ariana Church, I have begun to understand what is the truth of the Gospel. I appreciate each one of the team and how much you have helped my faith grow.