What We Do
Bible Distribution AND EVANGELISM
Afghanistan is one of the most unreached countries in the world. Not only has it been difficult to send missionaries to this fanatical Muslim land, but it is one of the most dangerous places for a Christian convert to live, so witness has been limited. However, God has been working and building His church in Afghanistan.
- We distribute the Scriptures in digital and paper format.
- Members of our team conduct in-person outreach in Afghanistan and refugee communities.
- We encourage all of the Afghan believers to reach out to family, friends, and community.
- We have Afghan believers using various social networks to reach out to unbelievers through conversations and by posting culturally appropriate content on various social media platforms.
- We provide messages for Christian satellite TV stations and podcasts for internet radio that can reach places we cannot go.
DISCIPLESHIP through Church Life
Teaching, Worship, Prayer, and Fellowship
We come alongside house churches and small groups across Afghanistan and in refugee communities around the globe among the growing 1st generation believers.
- We facilitate weekly online and in person meetings such as: Afghanistan online church, prayer and worship meetings, women’s Bible studies, youth group, children’s meetings, and cell group Bible studies and fellowship.
- We sponsor in person conferences and seminars and webinars, such as: Biblical and Christian Life studies, Marriage Conferences, Women’s conferences.
- We partner with local churches throughout the world as they welcome Afghan newcomers into their fellowships, networking with believers and churches, providing cultural awareness trainings, and encouraging Afghans to integrate into local churches.
- We are working to provide biblical teaching, discipleship training, and Afghan worship music in audio and video format. This will become a resource library for the emerging Afghan fellowships around the world, but especially inside Afghanistan.
Leadership Training
Our goal is to multiply trained national leaders who can do the work of evangelism, discipleship, and church planting by providing:
- One-on-one discipleship and mentoring
- Modular one or two-week trainings
- Team building
- Christian Life and Christian Service courses
- Leadership courses for emerging leaders
- Wholesome and inspiring Christian literature
- Opportunities for ministry to those being trained
- Opportunities for qualified Afghan leaders to attend Bible colleges for further training and the ability to obtain an academic degree.
Beyond providing solid teaching, we provide much needed pastoral care and encouragement for Afghan believers, especially for the leaders and persecuted families. Christian Afghan culture is quite different from Muslim Afghan culture. This is a 1st and 2nd generation body of believers, with little idea of what pastoral care is about. We need to be a listening ear and play an encouraging role for young believers. As part of our pastoral care we may do:
- Trauma care
- Marriage and Family care
- Deal with women’s challenges
- Discuss ethical issues
- Help them with daily Christian life disciplines
- Counseling
WOMEN’s ministry
In Afghanistan, women are tremendously oppressed and counted as nothing. Their overwhelming situation has caused hopelessness, depression, anger, and severe identity crisis. Our women’s team showers them with the love of God to Biblically combat the lies that they have been told and to bring them into the understanding of their value in Christ and the abundant life God has for them. The women’s team activities include:
- Lots of one-on-one listening, encouraging, discipling, and counseling.
- Facilitating meetings that include worship, Bible study, prayer for each other, and fellowship.
- Teaching on forgiveness and the freedom that it brings.
- Encouragement that the tasks that they do are not just a meaningless duty, but a means to love their husbands and children and bring God’s presence into the home.
- Encouragement in how to teach and discipline their children.
Relief and Persecuted Christians
Christians in Afghanistan and in neighboring Muslim countries have many significant material needs and are in dire need of support. We focus on:
- Helping persecuted Christian families (counseling and encouragement, food, medicine, etc.)
- Helping needy believers and non-believers in urgent need, such as providing food and assisting with medical needs. (We do not give out cash).